Perfect Beauty.


However you slice or dice it, the concept of perfection is relative. I doubt that many people share my idea of what perfection is or anyone’s idea of what perfection is for that matter but on some level, we all yearn for perfection - an ideal place or set of events or circumstances.

We yearn, work, strive, grow and stretch to get some piece of that ideal for ourselves and the ones we love. Sometimes it appears we succeed, sometimes not. Yet we keep working, striving and stretching in the famed “rat race”.

Today it occurred to me. What if perfection is elusive by design? What if this life, this world, this planet was designed to remain fraught with imperfection on purpose so that we hope and strive always for a more eternal ideal?


Is universal or maybe it is in the eyes of the beholder. This as well, all is relative.

I could, for example, write a laundry list of the things that are wrong with my face, body, the length of my legs, the width of my hips and still remain beautiful in the most general sense. Or at least I think I would. Now, if I were to give my soul on the other hand, a physical form, what would she look like? Would she look better than my physical form or worse?

Perfect Beauty.

Not based on a size 0 waistline, legs that go on forever or flawless skin but based on things more eternal, free from decay and unspoiled.

I hope one day, to be that Perfect Beauty, untarnished by this earth, dust or death. Connected to a source of nourishment not of this world, flowing, floating, and free of limitations internal and external.
Perfectly Beautiful. Ageless.


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